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Transitions Officer - YDAS
- Melbourne CBD (Wurundjeri country), with work from home. There will be travel in Victoria.
- 0.6 FTE, 22.8 hours a week, 3 days per week (negotiable). Occasional evening and weekend work.
- Fixed term contract, ending 23 December 2026.
- SCHADS Award Level 3.1-3.4. $75,271.19 - $80,717.86 p.a pro-rated
The Transition Officer supports 40 disabled young people in their transition from school to post-school education, training and employment. For the purposes of the role, school-aged early leaver refers to young people up to age 20 who left school prior to completing year 12. Participants will primarily come from Merri-bek, Casey, Greater Dandenong, Greater Geelong and Ballarat local government areas.
This role draws on existing programming at YDAS to create a new workshop and wraparound support for participants that is accessible, inclusive, strengths based, and trauma informed. The Transition Officer works with participants over a six-month period to connect with opportunities to build on their strengths, further goals and overcome barriers.
This position is for a disabled person via the Special Measures of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic).
Applications close Monday 14 April at 5PM.
Research Scholarship - Disasters and Young People - The Centre of Excellence
- $35,006 per annum stipend (full-time)
The PhD research project will contribute to the work of the Centre of Excellence: young people and disasters.
The Centre is a partnership between Youth Affairs Council Victoria and Victoria University’s Youth and Community Research Group and champions the inclusion and active involvement of young people to contribute to all aspects of disaster response. The Centre takes a strengths-based approach and utilises evidence to inform and improve engagement with young people and their communities in policy responses.
The research focus is young people (e.g. 12-24 years) and disasters in an Australian context. The successful applicant will need to meet the entrance requirements for a PhD or Masters by Research degree at Victoria University.
Applications close Sunday 11 May