YACVic will deliver over $102,000 in Round 14 of the HEY Grants funding to thirteen projects across metro Melbourne and regional Victoria, ensuring LGBTIQA+ young people across the state have access to inclusive services that support and celebrate them. 

The HEY Grants aim to raise awareness, promote diversity, eliminate stigma and discrimination, and ensure LGBTIQA+ young people in Victoria are supported and celebrated.  

“This year's HEY Grant recipients represent a broader diversity across the community than we have ever experienced previously’,” said Derm Ryan, Head of YACVic Rural, who manages the HEY program.  “This highlights that LGBTIQA+ identity is not bound by where you live, the colour of your skin, your religious affiliation, cultural background, or your access to resources. When given the chance, we can all play a part in building a stronger community.”   

This year, eight HEY grants have been awarded to youth-led projects, demonstrating the passion and commitment young Victorians have for improving the health and wellbeing of themselves and their LGBTIQA+ peers.  

Mieke is a LGBTIQA+ young musician and advocate from regional Victoria.  

“Receiving this HEY grant means I can provide an opportunity that my local LGBTIQA+ regional community has not seen before—the chance to be involved on screen or behind the scenes in a pride music video. To be a part of an LGBTIQA+ creative art piece regionally is something our local LGBTIQA+ community has shown so much excitement for.

“As the creator of the song Black and White, seeing the journey this song has taken me on, the opportunities for community involvement the Now I See Colour Project is creating, and how it is helping me grow in the music industry and learn project management skills as a young person, is so rewarding. I am so grateful for this funding!” 

The successful Round 14 HEY Grant recipients are:

Youth Led category

  • Yarra Ranges Queer Youth Writers Collective - $10,000 
  • The So Let’s Affirm You (SLAY) Project - $10,000 
  • We Eatin’ Good - $10,000 
  • How Queer Looks; Generational Connection - $10,000 
  • Now I See Colour: A Pride Music Video - $5,000 
  • Anti-gender Hate; What Are You Doing About It? - $9,000  
  • Queer Voices Roadshow- $3,853
  • City of Casey, Pride in Casey Schools - $10,000 

Social Connectedness category

  • Mount Alexander Shire Council, Over the Rainbow Pride Events - $10,000 
  • Sufi Festival Inc., Songs of Belonging: Celebrating LGBTQ Diversity with Music - $5,000 
  • Whittlesea Community Connections, Rainbow Group - $10,000 
  • ACMI, Young LGBTIQA+ Film-makers Workshop - $5,000    
  • City of Darebin, Surround - $10,000 

Now in its fourteenth year, the HEY Grants are awarded annually to both new and existing projects that promote the social connectedness and mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ young people right in their communities. 

To date the HEY Grants partnership between YACVic and the Victorian Government has delivered more than $1.6 million of funding to over 143 organisations.  

Join us for the announcement of the Round 14 HEY Grant recipients at HEY Day: Advocacy and Activism, on Friday 28 March!  

Come down to Bendigo and stay for Bendigo Pride, with their fabulous Pride in the Park Youth Event held on Saturday 29 March.

Media Contact: Casey Dean (she/her), YACVic Media & Communications Coordinator – CDean@YACVic.org.au or 0498 730 553.

About Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) 

Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) is a partnership between Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) and the Victorian Government established to deliver place-based support, services and opportunities for LGBTQIA+ young people. 

HEY works by bringing together a network of 16 partner organisations, known as the HEY Partners, who provide peer support, referrals, community visibility, celebration and education in their local areas and across the state. 

About Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic)

Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) is the peak body and leading policy advocate for young people aged 12-25 and the youth sector in Victoria. Established in 1960, YACVic advocates for the rights of young people in Victoria to ensure they are active, visible and valued in their communities.