Victorian Government must fully commit to diverting children from prison and raise the age to 14

  • Media releases
  • Disability
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • Youth justice
  • Child protection

2024 National Sorry Day statement

  • Media releases
  • Rural and regional
  • Youth justice
  • Child protection
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Victoria’s legal system must help, not harm, children and Aboriginal people

  • Media releases
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • Youth justice
  • Child protection
  • Health

The Victorian Government must commit to raising the age of criminal responsibility in Victoria to 14 years old, with no carve outs.

  • 12-year-olds belong at school, not behind bars.
  • Media releases
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • Youth justice
  • Child protection

2021-22 State Budget makes historic investment in youth mental health for a generation slammed by bushfires and COVID-19

  • Media releases
  • Environment + Climate Change
  • Rural and regional
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Education, training and employment
  • Media releases
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
  • Youth justice
  • Family violence
  • COVID-19
  • Government and youth policy
  • Budget

Youth advocates reject proposed new laws expanding PSOs into shopping centres and other public spaces

  • Media releases
  • Youth justice

Crucial opportunity missed to #RaiseTheAge and keep children out of prison

  • Youth justice
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Government and youth policy
  • Media releases
  • Youth sector
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Chief lawmakers must commit to keep children out of prison and #RaiseTheAge

  • Youth justice
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Government and youth policy
  • Media releases
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander