“Victorian Traditional Owners maintain that their sovereignty has never been ceded and have called for a Treaty process that delivers self-determination for Victoria’s First Peoples.”

What is Treaty in Victoria?

A Treaty is an agreement that sets out the ground rules for a relationship between states, nations or governments. This can include an agreement between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traditional Owners of Country and governments.

In Victoria, a process has been underway since 2016 to enable  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the Victorian Government to negotiate Treaties. The First People’s Assembly of Victoria has been set up as the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria, particularly throughout Treaty negotiations. In negotiating Treaty with First Peoples, the Victorian Government is acknowledging that prior to the formation of the State of Victoria, First Nations communities were here—practicing their own law, a body of knowledge or tradition that is passed down through generations within a culture.lore, and cultural authority.

There will be one overarching Statewide Treaty and multiple local Treaties with individual Traditional Owner groups, ensuring local knowledge can inform decision-making at a community level.

Why does treaty matter?

For many First Nations people, January 26 is a painful reminder of colonisation and its ongoing impacts as this date marks the beginning of the British colonising Australia and the negative consequences that are still felt today. Treaty offers a way forward—to address historical injustices and ensure First Nations voices are central to decisions that affect their communities.

"Treaty will ultimately help bring us all closer together"

Treaty is about building a future that respects First Nations sovereignty while bringing communities together to create lasting change through sustainable long-term solutions, led by First Peoples.

What’s the latest with treaty in Victoria?

Treaty negotiations in Victoria have begun! On 13 January 2025 the Victorian Government and the First People’s Assembly of Victoria issued their first joint statement announcing that both parties have agreed to the focus areas for the first round of Treaty negotiations which will begin with weekly meetings from January.

You can read the announcement and find out more here.

How did we get here?

Pathway to Treaty

2016: In February Victorian First Peoples call on the Government to commit to Treaty. The Victorian Government commits to progressing Treaty in March.

2018: Victorian Treaty Advancement Commission commences operations and leads community consultation. Launch of the Deadly Questions campaign.

2019: Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018 (Treaty Act) is enacted by the Victorian Parliament—the first of its kind in Australia. The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is established.

2020: The Victorian Government and the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria negotiate the Treaty elements required under the Treaty Act.

2021: Joint announcement of the Yoorrook Justice Commission. The Victorian Government and the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria agree Treaty conduct protocols.

2022: Treaty Authority Agreement signed. The Treaty Authority Bill is enacted by the Victorian Parliament. Agreement signed on a Treaty Negotiation Framework, setting out the rules for negotiating treaties. The Self-determination Fund agreement is signed,

2023: Launch of the Self-determination Fund

2024: Treaty negotiations begin

The Uluru Statement from the Heart

The Uluru Statement from the Heart, released in 2017, calls for “Voice, Treaty, and Truth” as key pillars for justice and reconciliation in Australia. The statement invites all Australians to walk together toward a better future by enshrining a First Nations Voice in the Constitution, establishing treaties, and embracing truth-telling about our shared history.

Victoria’s treaty process aligns with the vision of the Uluru Statement, highlighting the importance of self-determination and respect for First Nations sovereignty.

What can I do to help?

  1. Sign up to the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria mailing list to get regular updates and information about what’s happening with Treaty and how you can help.
  2. Spread the word and support First Nations-led groups, orgs, campaigns and businesses (not an extensive list):

    Clothing the Gaps

    Pay the Rent

    First Peoples’ Vic

    Haus of Dizzy

    Seed Mob

    Mabu Mabu

    House of Darwin

    First Nations Futures

  3. Make a contribution to the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria’s ‘fighting fund’
  4. Read our blog post ‘How to have productive, honest conversations about racism as a non-Indigenous Australian’

Support that is available

26 January can be a difficult time for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.  If you need a bit of extra support this 26 January, here’s some places you can reach out to:

13YARN - 13 92 76 

Yarning SafeNStrong – 1800 959 563 

Beyond Blue – 1300 22 46 36


Brother to brother - 1800 435 799

Wellmob: Online social and emotional wellbeing resources made for and by mob.

Additional resources and Further Reading