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Victoria should be the best state in Australia, if not the world, in which to be a young person. Young people here should be included, connected and heard, their rights respected, and they should be able to look forward to a safe, fair and prosperous future.
Youth Affairs Council Victoria’s (YACVic) Strategic Plan 2020-22 has five key goals which will guide our work towards that.
The first goal is "A Robust Policy Environment”, because policies affecting young people in Victoria must be relevant, inclusive and effective. The best policies and programs affecting young people are those designed with and by young people, for young people.
That’s why our second goal “Meaningful Youth Participation” focuses on ensuring organisations embed young people’s needs, perspectives and contributions in their strategies, programming and governance.
We will continue to support the Victorian youth sector to be connected, valued and high-performing with our third goal, “A Strong Youth Sector”. This includes connecting services, youth workers and young people driving change, to advance thinking and generate innovative ways to solve emerging issues.
The voices and experiences of marginalised young people are often are not considered in decision-making, and this has to change. Our fourth goal, “Social Justice” recognises that every young person should be championed and included in positive change, regardless of their background and circumstances.
Our final goal, “A Thriving Organisation”, will ensure YACVic itself is relevant, impactful and agile to empower and support young people and the wider youth sector through these times of increasing complexity and change.
Young people today are predicted to be the first generation worse off than their parents. They face great uncertainty in terms of employment and housing security, income inequality is growing, and they are deeply concerned about the existential threat of climate change.
They are navigating a far more complex world than previous generations, with challenges created by the internet, fast changing social norms, and political instability a normal part of their lives.
The youth sector, including youth workers on the frontline, are often underappreciated despite their outstanding commitment and resilience working with young people.
However in the face of these challenges, YACVic sees significant opportunity for, and action by, young people.
Young people are stepping up globally to lead social and political change on issues that matter to them, whether it be climate change, mental health, raising the rate of Newstart and Youth Allowance, or being able to secure their first job.
Young people continue to have hope and aspiration, and YACVic will do everything we can to ensure they are empowered to be active, visible and valued in their communities.
We look forward to working together with our members, young people, communities, societal leaders, businesses and other stakeholders to make Victoria the best place in Australia and the world to be a young person.
Katherine Ellis
About Us
Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) is the peak body and leading policy advocate for young people in Victoria. YACVic’s vision is that the rights of young people in Victoria are respected, and they are active, visible and valued in their communities.
Contact Us
For more information or any queries, please contact our communications team at communications@yacvic.org.au.