Our blog by young people, for young people.
Are you a young person with an opinion on an issue you want to share? Do you have a solution to a problem? Submit your writing to be published here on our blog!
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Saying your event is for ‘women and nonbinary people’ is not the flex you think it is
The social media ban fails young people through the fear that fuels it
Natalie Ryan
11 February 2025
Why conferences should be Gen Z friendly
How working as a facilitator has changed young people's lives
Ruqia Mohamed
24 June 2024
How the 2024 Federal Budget will help young people
What our government is doing about climate anxiety
Feeling ‘meh’ about the 2024-25 Victorian Budget: The elusive dream of moving out
Safe and supportive spaces for LGBTIQA+ young people
WayOut Sunbury
07 March 2024
What you need to know ahead of Australia’s vaping reforms
How to have productive, honest conversations about racism as a non-Indigenous Australian
Sarona Sagele and Amy Wooller, YACVic
25 January 2024
Qualified young people means recovering communities can move forward
How to spot disinformation
Amy Wooller
23 October 2023
How youth workers can provide mental health support
Amy Wooller, YACVic
10 October 2023
Lower the voting age and give young people a seat at the table
What’s a Referendy, Wendy? A simple guide to the Voice to Parliament Referendum
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
20 June 2023
Creating safe and supportive workplaces for LGBTIQA+ young people
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
17 May 2023
What does the budget do for young people? Regional economics student Rowan reacts
What is sextortion? Staying safe online
Laura Crozier, YACVic
19 April 2023
Trans Day of Visibility 2023
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
04 April 2023
The normalisation of teenage physical violence on social media
Veronica*, 16
11 April 2023
Why young people must play a leading role in bushfire recovery and resilience
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
23 March 2023
International Women’s Day: Young women pushing the envelope of change in Victoria
Amy Wooller and Jacob Gamble, YACVic
07 March 2023
Chris' story: Loss, urgency, grief and loneliness
Chris Lanyon
16 February 2023
National Condom Day: How young people are changing the narrative around rural sexual health
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
14 February 2023
Why young people are protesting 26 January
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
26 January 2023
Four things to learn about this Trans Awareness Week
YACVic Team
18 November 2022
Marita's story: Coaching and helping young people at risk of homelessness to reach their goals
Katia Pellicciotta
18 November 2022
Tiffany's story: Creating positive pathways for young people through early intervention
Katia Pellicciotta
18 November 2022
Pattie’s story: Being the bridge for young people and the reality of life
Jay Lentini
18 November 2022
Jay's story: From FReeZA participant to developing fresh, creative new programs for young people
Jay Lentini
18 November 2022
Tony's story: Over 50 years of expanding youth work through his community development approach
Sione's story: Meeting young people on their terms with culturally competent youth work
Martha's story: Supporting Pasifika young people to succeed through schooling programs
In-person, online or hybrid? Working safely with less COVID restrictions
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
02 November 2022
30 homes in 6 years: Moving onwards and upwards
Kylie*, 15
26 October 2022
Hannah's story: Youth work is healthcare
Katia Pellicciotta
11 November 2022
Maree’s story: The power of early intervention in East Victoria
Katia Pellicciotta
20 October 2022
Kieran's story: Providing young people with creative spaces to express themselves and get the support they need
Cihan's story: Muslim youth worker creating a better life for Muslim young people
Caitlyn's story: If I didn't meet that youth worker, I don't think I'd be where I am today
Yumna's story: tirelessly working for young people in regional Victoria
How To meet your State MP and candidates
YACVic Policy Team
10 August 2022
How To meet your federal MP and candidates
YACVic Policy Team
04 May 2022
How out of touch are our politicians when it comes to young people? Notes from the 2019 School Climate Strikes
Hannah Mansfield
12 April 2022
Meaningful work opportunities for young people
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
11 March 2022
Preparing to isolate if you get COVID-19
Wraparound ways to keep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people connected to culture in COVID
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
22 February 2022
Young people in organisational leadership
Jess Standish, YACVic Memberships Officer and Executive Assistant
02 February 2022
5 ways you can be a better ally to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Cooking as community care with Ashvina
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
20 December 2021
Using life experience to make change with Mac
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
13 December 2021
Empowering young people in sport with Louis
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
06 December 2021
Taking local environmental action with Candace
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
29 November 2021
A young person’s guide to getting published
COVID recovery for students and young creatives with Mia
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
22 November 2021
Why international organisations matter and how you can get involved
Jack Dalrymple, Global Voices
01 November 2021
Environmental action during COVID-19: Candace’s story
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
06 September 2021
Nurturing connections to support the youth sector
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
06 September 2021
Self-care: Making it work for youth workers
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
03 September 2021
How to (really) check in with young people during lockdown
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
25 August 2021
How can youth workers find their ‘burnout boundary’?
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
01 September 2021
The Sanctuary: Creating a safe haven for young people after bushfires and now COVID-19
Thomas Feng, YACVic
06 September 2021
Accessible education in COVID-19: Mac’s story
Katia Pellicciotta
19 July 2021
Local secondary school students tackle mental illness together
Natalie Willis and team
15 June 2021
Reflecting on accessibility, online workshops, and the Emerging Young Leaders Program
Alexa Yao, YDAS Young Leader
26 March 2021
How a YACVic membership can support young people
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
17 March 2021
How to set boundaries as an online moderator or facilitator
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
16 March 2021
How to run safe youth spaces online: Tips by and for regional young leaders and youth workers
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
26 February 2021
Joining safe youth spaces online: Tips by and for regional young people
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
26 February 2021
How to navigate being the political friend
Mark Yin, Cheryl Tan and Alex Lee
02 February 2021
5 things you should know about 26 January
Mac’s life After the Emerging Young Leaders Program
How To meet your MP during COVID-19
YACVic Policy Team
21 October 2020
COVID-19 resources for disabled young people
Coping with grief during COVID-19
Sammy Huynh
16 September 2020
A friendly reminder that you are not defined by your productivity
Sweeney Preston
04 September 2020
Knitting scarves for social change during COVID-19
Today Admin
02 September 2020
COVID-19 Resources for LGBTIQA+ young people and carers
Briar Rolfe and Thomas Feng
26 August 2020
A Fully Sick music festival success
Tabitha Rickard, FReeZa Coordinator and Youth Engagement Officer at City of Ballarat, and Katja Fiedler, Acting Coordinator Youth Services at City of Ballarat
11 August 2020
How to get started hiring disabled young people
Simon Green
05 August 2020
Fortune favours the bold: launching Brimbank's youth-led magazine
The Bold Source editorial team
27 July 2020
Young people remain in limbo after July's Federal Economic Update
Lawrence Rogers, YACVic Policy Team
27 July 2020
How border closures affect this 17-year-old
Toni Mia Scallora
13 July 2020
In defence of my Arts degree
Tiana Sixsmith
10 July 2020
Pronoun rounds, houseplants, and other ways to avoid misgendering a colleague
Ways to check in with your friends
PROJECT ROCK-IT Presenters: Tayla McKechnie, Ror Akot, Isabelle Blashki, Amal Wehbe, Jayde Petrie
01 July 2020
How rural and regional communities are supporting each other during COVID-19
COVID-19 Rent Relief Grant information for disabled young people
IDAHOBIT 2020: Breaking The Silence
Speaking up about mental health from lived experience
Why Autism Acceptance Month is important
Is (YDAS Map Your Future Co-facilitator)
27 April 2020
A step-by-step guide for rent relief for young people in Victoria
Lara Paull, YACVic
27 April 2020
COVID-19 Cybercrime and tips to avoid scams
Steph Brenkovich, YACVic
24 April 2020
How making a complaint about a mental health service can help improve the system
5 budget-friendly meals to get you through COVID-19 restrictions
Julian Garrido
17 April 2020
5 things to keep you occupied during COVID-19
Nitul Deshpande
03 April 2020
Resources for young people experiencing family or domestic violence during COVID-19 lockdown
Julian Garrido
01 April 2020
What young people and the youth sector can do about COVID-19
Sovereignty: A Way Forward
Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright, 2019 YACVic Young Thinker in Residence
12 March 2020
How sport helped me find my feet in Australia
Prateeti Sabhlok, 24 from Melbourne's East
11 March 2020
What 2020 brings for the LGBTIQA+ community
Briar Rolfe, YACVic Rainbow Projects and Communications Assistant
04 March 2020
How to fact-check your information (Updated for COVID-19)
Markos Hasiotis
11 May 2020
4 Young Adult books with disability representation
How you can take care and action during the bushfires
Bushfire resources for Victorians with disability
Self-care for the holidays
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System must focus on young people
Sebastian Antoine, YACVic Policy and Research Officer
27 November 2019
A 12-year-old’s desire for change in the resi care system
Why sexual health services need to be more accessible for young people
Law Donnelly
29 October 2019
How the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme affects youth services
Luke Rycken, YACVic Policy Manager
24 October 2019
Helping young people keep in touch with their mental health
Briar Rolfe, YACVic Communications
11 October 2019
How the Religious Discrimination Bill affects young people
Alberto Giglia and Luke Rycken, YACVic Policy Team
26 September 2019
Four things I’ve learned from listening to young people with disability
YDAS Co-Designer
18 September 2019
Four books to challenge your perspectives
Speaking up as a young person with disability
Smashing the mental health stigma in our small towns
Jennifer Rowan
30 July 2019
Helping LGBTIQ+ young people navigate their career
Frances Gamble
11 July 2019
Y20: What young people over the world are demanding action on
Rose-Anna Selhorst
28 June 2019
How intergenerational relationships puts pressure on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
How to have your voice heard on mental health
Luke Rycken and Dr. Jessie Mitchell
05 June 2019
Mindfulness and Aboriginal Culture
Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright
03 June 2019
Transforming VCE through representation
How governments can engage young people in policy making
Rose-Anna Selhorst
14 May 2019
How young people are calling out the alcohol industry
Building an inclusive youth sector together
Sebastian Antoine
03 May 2019
Turning 26 and overcoming the quarter life crisis
Maria Matthews
09 April 2019
The power of young voters
Dr. Jessie Mitchell — YACVic Policy Manager
28 March 2019
Activators spotlight: creating greater access to education for rural young people
Young Thinker says 'Treat Yourself'
Activators spotlight: how young people are building Queer Connections in Warnambool
Who are the experts on education? One guess – it’s not the adults
The power of a vote: how young people have always influenced our political climate
Dr. Jessie Mitchell
08 November 2018
A guide to #vicyouth2020 – what we want to see at this year's state election
Dr. Jessie Mitchell, YACVic
18 October 2018
I need more information about NDIS… where can I go?
Inspiring young people to find their own courage: reflecting on the Young Thinker in Residence program
Starting with education: how youth work educators and young people are building a strong future together
The beautiful chaos of Congress and the evolution of the ‘Action Plan’
Finding the right NDIS supports
Building stronger schools is everyone’s business
Dr. Jessie Mitchell, YACVic
25 June 2018
My life-changing year since being a Young Thinker in Residence
Spinning it my way: what I’m learning as a judge for Top Spin
Interview insights: sitting on the other side of the table
NDIS 101: Managing your NDIS plan
On the road to the 2018 state election – what's important to the Mallee?
Handy hints for your NDIS planning meeting
Turning tables: what it’s like to join YACVic’s interview panel as a young member
How everyone can understand the value of youth work
Joining the NDIS as a young person with disability
Naming Melbourne metro stations: Behind the scenes with a YACVic young member
5 things youth workers can do about current media reports on youth crime
Ideas for better supporting young people leaving out-of-home care
The Hidden Victors: giving voice to young people experiencing family violence
National marriage equality survey — what do the results tell us about young people?
Dr. Jessie Mitchell, YACVic
20 November 2017
Top 5 reasons to become a YACVic member
Putting young presenters Front + Centre
Taking care during the marriage equality debate
Shaping youth participation: The Young Thinker in Residence program
How do I become a youth worker?
From paddocks to politics — life as a young councillor
A new brand of inclusion, diversity and youth participation