Our blog by young people, for young people.

Are you a young person with an opinion on an issue you want to share? Do you have a solution to a problem?  Submit your writing to be published here on our blog!

We’d love to hear what you have to say about making a difference, being a young person, your community or anything else you're passionate about and want other young people to know about. Let Elevate be a platform for getting your voice out there!

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How working as a facilitator has changed young people's lives

  • Ruqia Mohamed
  • 24 June 2024

How the 2024 Federal Budget will help young people

  • Sumaya
  • 22 May 2024

What our government is doing about climate anxiety

  • Kelsey
  • 16 May 2024

Feeling ‘meh’ about the 2024-25 Victorian Budget: The elusive dream of moving out

  • Ally Ahmad
  • 13 May 2024

Safe and supportive spaces for LGBTIQA+ young people

  • WayOut Sunbury
  • 07 March 2024

What you need to know ahead of Australia’s vaping reforms

  • YACVic
  • 28 February 2024

How to have productive, honest conversations about racism as a non-Indigenous Australian

  • Sarona Sagele and Amy Wooller, YACVic
  • 25 January 2024

Qualified young people means recovering communities can move forward

  • 10 November 2023

How to spot disinformation

  • Amy Wooller
  • 23 October 2023

How youth workers can provide mental health support

  • Amy Wooller, YACVic
  • 10 October 2023

Lower the voting age and give young people a seat at the table

  • Ravin Desai
  • 05 July 2023

What’s a Referendy, Wendy? A simple guide to the Voice to Parliament Referendum

  • Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 20 June 2023

Creating safe and supportive workplaces for LGBTIQA+ young people

  • Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 17 May 2023

What does the budget do for young people? Regional economics student Rowan reacts

  • Rowan Farren
  • 15 May 2023

What is sextortion? Staying safe online

  • Laura Crozier, YACVic
  • 19 April 2023

Trans Day of Visibility 2023

  • Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 04 April 2023

The normalisation of teenage physical violence on social media

  • Veronica*, 16
  • 11 April 2023

Why young people must play a leading role in bushfire recovery and resilience

  • Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 23 March 2023

International Women’s Day: Young women pushing the envelope of change in Victoria

  • Amy Wooller and Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 07 March 2023

Chris' story: Loss, urgency, grief and loneliness

  • Chris Lanyon
  • 16 February 2023

National Condom Day: How young people are changing the narrative around rural sexual health

  • Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 14 February 2023

Why young people are protesting 26 January

  • Jacob Gamble, YACVic
  • 26 January 2023

Four things to learn about this Trans Awareness Week

  • YACVic Team
  • 18 November 2022

Marita's story: Coaching and helping young people at risk of homelessness to reach their goals

  • Katia Pellicciotta
  • 18 November 2022

Tiffany's story: Creating positive pathways for young people through early intervention

  • Katia Pellicciotta
  • 18 November 2022

Pattie’s story: Being the bridge for young people and the reality of life

  • Jay Lentini
  • 18 November 2022

Jay's story: From FReeZA participant to developing fresh, creative new programs for young people

  • Jay Lentini
  • 18 November 2022

Tony's story: Over 50 years of expanding youth work through his community development approach

  • 17 November 2022

Sione's story: Meeting young people on their terms with culturally competent youth work

  • 17 November 2022

Martha's story: Supporting Pasifika young people to succeed through schooling programs

  • 17 November 2022

In-person, online or hybrid? Working safely with less COVID restrictions

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 02 November 2022

30 homes in 6 years: Moving onwards and upwards

  • Kylie*, 15
  • 26 October 2022

Hannah's story: Youth work is healthcare

  • Katia Pellicciotta
  • 11 November 2022

Maree’s story: The power of early intervention in East Victoria

  • Katia Pellicciotta
  • 20 October 2022

Kieran's story: Providing young people with creative spaces to express themselves and get the support they need

  • 12 August 2022

Cihan's story: Muslim youth worker creating a better life for Muslim young people

  • 12 August 2022

Caitlyn's story: If I didn't meet that youth worker, I don't think I'd be where I am today

  • 12 August 2022

Yumna's story: tirelessly working for young people in regional Victoria

  • 12 August 2022

How To meet your State MP and candidates

  • YACVic Policy Team
  • 10 August 2022

Youth in Action Project

  • YACVic
  • 01 August 2022

How To meet your federal MP and candidates

  • YACVic Policy Team
  • 04 May 2022

How out of touch are our politicians when it comes to young people? Notes from the 2019 School Climate Strikes

  • Hannah Mansfield
  • 12 April 2022

Meaningful work opportunities for young people

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 11 March 2022

Preparing to isolate if you get COVID-19

  • YACVic
  • 07 March 2022

Wraparound ways to keep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people connected to culture in COVID

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 22 February 2022

Young people in organisational leadership

  • Jess Standish, YACVic Memberships Officer and Executive Assistant
  • 02 February 2022

5 ways you can be a better ally to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

  • YACVic
  • 25 January 2022

Cooking as community care with Ashvina

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 20 December 2021

Using life experience to make change with Mac

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 13 December 2021

Empowering young people in sport with Louis

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 06 December 2021

Taking local environmental action with Candace

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 29 November 2021

A young person’s guide to getting published

  • YACVic
  • 29 November 2021

COVID recovery for students and young creatives with Mia

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 22 November 2021

Why international organisations matter and how you can get involved

  • Jack Dalrymple, Global Voices
  • 01 November 2021

Environmental action during COVID-19: Candace’s story

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 06 September 2021

Nurturing connections to support the youth sector

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 06 September 2021

Self-care: Making it work for youth workers

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 03 September 2021

How to (really) check in with young people during lockdown

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 25 August 2021

How can youth workers find their ‘burnout boundary’?

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 01 September 2021

The Sanctuary: Creating a safe haven for young people after bushfires and now COVID-19

  • Thomas Feng, YACVic
  • 06 September 2021

Accessible education in COVID-19: Mac’s story

  • Katia Pellicciotta
  • 19 July 2021

Local secondary school students tackle mental illness together

  • Natalie Willis and team
  • 15 June 2021

Reflecting on accessibility, online workshops, and the Emerging Young Leaders Program

  • Alexa Yao, YDAS Young Leader
  • 26 March 2021

How a YACVic membership can support young people

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 17 March 2021

How to set boundaries as an online moderator or facilitator

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 16 March 2021

How to run safe youth spaces online: Tips by and for regional young leaders and youth workers

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 26 February 2021

Joining safe youth spaces online: Tips by and for regional young people

  • Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
  • 26 February 2021

How to navigate being the political friend

  • Mark Yin, Cheryl Tan and Alex Lee
  • 02 February 2021

5 things you should know about 26 January

  • YACVic
  • 21 January 2021

Mac’s life After the Emerging Young Leaders Program

  • Mac, 17
  • 18 December 2020

How To meet your MP during COVID-19

  • YACVic Policy Team
  • 21 October 2020

COVID-19 resources for disabled young people

  • YDAS
  • 05 October 2020

Coping with grief during COVID-19

  • Sammy Huynh
  • 16 September 2020

A friendly reminder that you are not defined by your productivity

  • Sweeney Preston
  • 04 September 2020

Knitting scarves for social change during COVID-19

  • Today Admin
  • 02 September 2020

COVID-19 Resources for LGBTIQA+ young people and carers

  • Briar Rolfe and Thomas Feng
  • 26 August 2020

A Fully Sick music festival success

  • Tabitha Rickard, FReeZa Coordinator and Youth Engagement Officer at City of Ballarat, and Katja Fiedler, Acting Coordinator Youth Services at City of Ballarat
  • 11 August 2020

How to get started hiring disabled young people

  • Simon Green
  • 05 August 2020

Fortune favours the bold: launching Brimbank's youth-led magazine

  • The Bold Source editorial team
  • 27 July 2020

Young people remain in limbo after July's Federal Economic Update

  • Lawrence Rogers, YACVic Policy Team
  • 27 July 2020

How border closures affect this 17-year-old

  • Toni Mia Scallora
  • 13 July 2020

In defence of my Arts degree

  • Tiana Sixsmith
  • 10 July 2020

Pronoun rounds, houseplants, and other ways to avoid misgendering a colleague

  • Briar Rolfe
  • 10 July 2020

Ways to check in with your friends

  • PROJECT ROCK-IT Presenters: Tayla McKechnie, Ror Akot, Isabelle Blashki, Amal Wehbe, Jayde Petrie
  • 01 July 2020

How rural and regional communities are supporting each other during COVID-19

  • Lara Paull
  • 28 May 2020

COVID-19 Rent Relief Grant information for disabled young people

  • YDAS
  • 18 May 2020

IDAHOBIT 2020: Breaking The Silence

  • Briar Rolfe
  • 14 May 2020

Speaking up about mental health from lived experience

  • YACVic
  • 04 May 2020

Why Autism Acceptance Month is important

  • Is (YDAS Map Your Future Co-facilitator)
  • 27 April 2020

A step-by-step guide for rent relief for young people in Victoria

  • Lara Paull, YACVic
  • 27 April 2020

COVID-19 Cybercrime and tips to avoid scams

  • Steph Brenkovich, YACVic
  • 24 April 2020

How making a complaint about a mental health service can help improve the system

  • 23 April 2020

5 budget-friendly meals to get you through COVID-19 restrictions

  • Julian Garrido
  • 17 April 2020

5 things to keep you occupied during COVID-19

  • Nitul Deshpande
  • 03 April 2020

Resources for young people experiencing family or domestic violence during COVID-19 lockdown

  • Julian Garrido
  • 01 April 2020

What young people and the youth sector can do about COVID-19

  • YACVic
  • 16 March 2020

Sovereignty: A Way Forward

  • Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright, 2019 YACVic Young Thinker in Residence
  • 12 March 2020

How sport helped me find my feet in Australia

  • Prateeti Sabhlok, 24 from Melbourne's East
  • 11 March 2020

What 2020 brings for the LGBTIQA+ community

  • Briar Rolfe, YACVic Rainbow Projects and Communications Assistant
  • 04 March 2020

How to fact-check your information (Updated for COVID-19)

  • Markos Hasiotis
  • 11 May 2020

4 Young Adult books with disability representation

  • YDAS
  • 16 January 2020

How you can take care and action during the bushfires

  • YACVic
  • 07 January 2020

Bushfire resources for Victorians with disability

  • YDAS
  • 06 January 2020

Self-care for the holidays

  • YACVic
  • 23 December 2020

The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System must focus on young people

  • Sebastian Antoine, YACVic Policy and Research Officer
  • 27 November 2019

A 12-year-old’s desire for change in the resi care system

  • Kylie*
  • 18 November 2019

Why sexual health services need to be more accessible for young people

  • Law Donnelly
  • 29 October 2019

How the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme affects youth services

  • Luke Rycken, YACVic Policy Manager
  • 24 October 2019

Helping young people keep in touch with their mental health

  • Briar Rolfe, YACVic Communications
  • 11 October 2019

How the Religious Discrimination Bill affects young people

  • Alberto Giglia and Luke Rycken, YACVic Policy Team
  • 26 September 2019

Four things I’ve learned from listening to young people with disability

  • YDAS Co-Designer
  • 18 September 2019

Four books to challenge your perspectives

  • YACVic
  • 23 August 2019

Speaking up as a young person with disability

  • YDAS
  • 09 August 2019

Smashing the mental health stigma in our small towns

  • Jennifer Rowan
  • 30 July 2019

Helping LGBTIQ+ young people navigate their career

  • Frances Gamble
  • 11 July 2019

Y20: What young people over the world are demanding action on

  • Rose-Anna Selhorst
  • 28 June 2019

How intergenerational relationships puts pressure on young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

  • YACVic
  • 20 June 2019

How to have your voice heard on mental health

  • Luke Rycken and Dr. Jessie Mitchell
  • 05 June 2019

Mindfulness and Aboriginal Culture

  • Levi McKenzie-Kirkbright
  • 03 June 2019

Transforming VCE through representation

  • VicSRC
  • 14 May 2019

How governments can engage young people in policy making

  • Rose-Anna Selhorst
  • 14 May 2019

How young people are calling out the alcohol industry

  • 09 May 2019

Building an inclusive youth sector together

  • Sebastian Antoine
  • 03 May 2019

Turning 26 and overcoming the quarter life crisis

  • Maria Matthews
  • 09 April 2019

How to write to your MP

  • YACVic
  • 29 March 2019

The power of young voters

  • Dr. Jessie Mitchell — YACVic Policy Manager
  • 28 March 2019

Activators spotlight: creating greater access to education for rural young people

  • YACVic
  • 14 February 2019

Young Thinker says 'Treat Yourself'

  • YACVic
  • 14 January 2019

Activators spotlight: how young people are building Queer Connections in Warnambool

  • YACVic
  • 06 December 2018

Who are the experts on education? One guess – it’s not the adults

  • VicSRC
  • 22 November 2018

The power of a vote: how young people have always influenced our political climate

  • Dr. Jessie Mitchell
  • 08 November 2018

A guide to #vicyouth2020 – what we want to see at this year's state election

  • Dr. Jessie Mitchell, YACVic
  • 18 October 2018

I need more information about NDIS… where can I go?

  • YDAS
  • 03 October 2018

Inspiring young people to find their own courage: reflecting on the Young Thinker in Residence program

  • YACVic
  • 23 August 2018

Starting with education: how youth work educators and young people are building a strong future together

  • YACVic
  • 14 August 2018

The beautiful chaos of Congress and the evolution of the ‘Action Plan’

  • VicSRC
  • 06 July 2018

Finding the right NDIS supports

  • YDAS
  • 04 July 2018

Building stronger schools is everyone’s business

  • Dr. Jessie Mitchell, YACVic
  • 25 June 2018

My life-changing year since being a Young Thinker in Residence

  • YACVic
  • 20 June 2018

Spinning it my way: what I’m learning as a judge for Top Spin

  • YACVic
  • 29 May 2018

Free TAFE for youth work

  • YACVic
  • 24 May 2018

Interview insights: sitting on the other side of the table

  • YACVic
  • 15 May 2018

NDIS 101: Managing your NDIS plan

  • YDAS
  • 10 May 2018

On the road to the 2018 state election – what's important to the Mallee?

  • YACVic
  • 05 March 2018

Handy hints for your NDIS planning meeting

  • YDAS
  • 26 February 2018

Turning tables: what it’s like to join YACVic’s interview panel as a young member

  • YACVic
  • 15 February 2018

How everyone can understand the value of youth work

  • YACVic
  • 15 February 2018

Joining the NDIS as a young person with disability

  • YDAS
  • 22 January 2018

Naming Melbourne metro stations: Behind the scenes with a YACVic young member

  • YACVic
  • 15 January 2018

5 things youth workers can do about current media reports on youth crime

  • YACVic
  • 25 July 2019

Ideas for better supporting young people leaving out-of-home care

  • YACVic
  • 23 November 2017

The Hidden Victors: giving voice to young people experiencing family violence

  • YACVic
  • 23 November 2017

National marriage equality survey — what do the results tell us about young people?

  • Dr. Jessie Mitchell, YACVic
  • 20 November 2017

Top 5 reasons to become a YACVic member

  • YACVic
  • 10 October 2017

Putting young presenters Front + Centre

  • YACVic
  • 01 October 2017

Taking care during the marriage equality debate

  • YACVic
  • 21 September 2017

Shaping youth participation: The Young Thinker in Residence program

  • YACVic
  • 19 September 2017

How do I become a youth worker?

  • YACVic
  • 11 September 2017

From paddocks to politics — life as a young councillor

  • YACVic
  • 11 September 2017

A new brand of inclusion, diversity and youth participation

  • YDAS
  • 11 September 2017