Our blog by young people, for young people.
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Saying your event is for ‘women and nonbinary people’ is not the flex you think it is
What you need to know ahead of Australia’s vaping reforms
How to have productive, honest conversations about racism as a non-Indigenous Australian
Sarona Sagele and Amy Wooller, YACVic
25 January 2024
How to spot disinformation
Amy Wooller
23 October 2023
What’s a Referendy, Wendy? A simple guide to the Voice to Parliament Referendum
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
20 June 2023
What is sextortion? Staying safe online
Laura Crozier, YACVic
19 April 2023
Chris' story: Loss, urgency, grief and loneliness
Chris Lanyon
16 February 2023
Sione's story: Meeting young people on their terms with culturally competent youth work
In-person, online or hybrid? Working safely with less COVID restrictions
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
02 November 2022
How To meet your State MP and candidates
YACVic Policy Team
10 August 2022
How To meet your federal MP and candidates
YACVic Policy Team
04 May 2022
Preparing to isolate if you get COVID-19
5 ways you can be a better ally to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
A young person’s guide to getting published
Self-care: Making it work for youth workers
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
03 September 2021
How can youth workers find their ‘burnout boundary’?
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
01 September 2021
How to set boundaries as an online moderator or facilitator
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
16 March 2021
Joining safe youth spaces online: Tips by and for regional young people
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
26 February 2021
5 things you should know about 26 January
How To meet your MP during COVID-19
YACVic Policy Team
21 October 2020
Coping with grief during COVID-19
Sammy Huynh
16 September 2020
COVID-19 Resources for LGBTIQA+ young people and carers
Briar Rolfe and Thomas Feng
26 August 2020
Pronoun rounds, houseplants, and other ways to avoid misgendering a colleague
Ways to check in with your friends
PROJECT ROCK-IT Presenters: Tayla McKechnie, Ror Akot, Isabelle Blashki, Amal Wehbe, Jayde Petrie
01 July 2020
How rural and regional communities are supporting each other during COVID-19
A step-by-step guide for rent relief for young people in Victoria
Lara Paull, YACVic
27 April 2020
COVID-19 Cybercrime and tips to avoid scams
Steph Brenkovich, YACVic
24 April 2020
How making a complaint about a mental health service can help improve the system
5 budget-friendly meals to get you through COVID-19 restrictions
Julian Garrido
17 April 2020
5 things to keep you occupied during COVID-19
Nitul Deshpande
03 April 2020
Resources for young people experiencing family or domestic violence during COVID-19 lockdown
Julian Garrido
01 April 2020
What young people and the youth sector can do about COVID-19
Why sexual health services need to be more accessible for young people
Law Donnelly
29 October 2019
How the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme affects youth services
Luke Rycken, YACVic Policy Manager
24 October 2019
How to have your voice heard on mental health
Luke Rycken and Dr. Jessie Mitchell
05 June 2019
Building an inclusive youth sector together
Sebastian Antoine
03 May 2019
Spinning it my way: what I’m learning as a judge for Top Spin
Interview insights: sitting on the other side of the table
Turning tables: what it’s like to join YACVic’s interview panel as a young member
How everyone can understand the value of youth work
5 things youth workers can do about current media reports on youth crime
Ideas for better supporting young people leaving out-of-home care
Taking care during the marriage equality debate