Our blog by young people, for young people.
Are you a young person with an opinion on an issue you want to share? Do you have a solution to a problem? Submit your writing to be published here on our blog!
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The social media ban fails young people through the fear that fuels it
Natalie Ryan
11 February 2025
Why conferences should be Gen Z friendly
Qualified young people means recovering communities can move forward
What does the budget do for young people? Regional economics student Rowan reacts
Why young people must play a leading role in bushfire recovery and resilience
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
23 March 2023
Chris' story: Loss, urgency, grief and loneliness
Chris Lanyon
16 February 2023
National Condom Day: How young people are changing the narrative around rural sexual health
Jacob Gamble, YACVic
14 February 2023
30 homes in 6 years: Moving onwards and upwards
Kylie*, 15
26 October 2022
Maree’s story: The power of early intervention in East Victoria
Katia Pellicciotta
20 October 2022
Yumna's story: tirelessly working for young people in regional Victoria
Wraparound ways to keep Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people connected to culture in COVID
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
22 February 2022
Empowering young people in sport with Louis
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
06 December 2021
The Sanctuary: Creating a safe haven for young people after bushfires and now COVID-19
Thomas Feng, YACVic
06 September 2021
How a YACVic membership can support young people
Katia Pellicciotta, YACVic
17 March 2021
How border closures affect this 17-year-old
Toni Mia Scallora
13 July 2020
How rural and regional communities are supporting each other during COVID-19
IDAHOBIT 2020: Breaking The Silence
Speaking up about mental health from lived experience
A step-by-step guide for rent relief for young people in Victoria
Lara Paull, YACVic
27 April 2020
COVID-19 Cybercrime and tips to avoid scams
Steph Brenkovich, YACVic
24 April 2020
How making a complaint about a mental health service can help improve the system
5 budget-friendly meals to get you through COVID-19 restrictions
Julian Garrido
17 April 2020
5 things to keep you occupied during COVID-19
Nitul Deshpande
03 April 2020
Resources for young people experiencing family or domestic violence during COVID-19 lockdown
Julian Garrido
01 April 2020
What young people and the youth sector can do about COVID-19
How you can take care and action during the bushfires
The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System must focus on young people
Sebastian Antoine, YACVic Policy and Research Officer
27 November 2019
Why sexual health services need to be more accessible for young people
Law Donnelly
29 October 2019
Helping young people keep in touch with their mental health
Briar Rolfe, YACVic Communications
11 October 2019
Smashing the mental health stigma in our small towns
Jennifer Rowan
30 July 2019
Activators spotlight: creating greater access to education for rural young people
On the road to the 2018 state election – what's important to the Mallee?
From paddocks to politics — life as a young councillor