
For Young People

Young people aged 12 to 25 in Eastern Victoria (Towong, Alpine and East Gippsland Shire), this is your chance to have your say on bushfire recovery in your community! We believe young people are experts in your own lives and that you have important contributions to make in bushfire recovery and rebuilding efforts.

YACVic is working with the Victorian Government to hear directly from young people and community members in rural and regional areas, about the response and recovery from the devastating bushfires across Eastern Victoria, and your experiences and ideas for a better future. We are also running training workshops on youth advocacy and leadership to develop your skills in advocacy, leadership and decision-making.


In the second half of 2020 YACVic commenced working with the Victorian Government to hear directly from young people and community members, about the response and recovery from the bushfires. Some of the sessions were conducted online, due to COVID-19 restriction. The sessions provided young people an opportunity to reflect on their experiences and ideas for a better future.

The emerging themes documents, capture young people experiences and proposed solutions which agencies in affected areas to assist in planning recovery based activities and engagement with young people moving forward.

Read the Emerging Themes Report from those consultations here

Take Our Survey

Want to have your say and be actively included in the bushfire recovery and rebuilding work? Share your thoughts via the Bushfire Recovery Survey

Register for Youth Advocacy Workshops

We are running youth advocacy workshops for young people to lead change in your community and be heard by decision makers.

This workshop informs and inspires young people to create change on issues you care about! Using real world examples and learning various tips on engaging with the greater community this workshop helps shape what advocacy might look like for you.

  • Wangaratta - Sunday 30 May 2021, 11am - 3pm
  • Lakes Entrance - Sunday 30 May 2021, 11am - 3pm

Register now here

Attending this training will entitle you to a FREE ticket to YACVic’s upcoming Reshape Our Future Youth Forum on Monday 31 May.

  • Wangaratta - Wangaratta Arts Centre, 33-37 Ford Street, Wangaratta 3677
  • Lakes Entrance - Bellevue on the Lakes 201 Esplanade, Lakes Entrance  3909  

Our Working Group

The YACVic Youth Bushfire Recovery Working Group consists of 12 young people aged 12-25, currently living in rural and regional parts of eastern Victoria impacted by the 2020 fires (East Gippsland, Towong, Alpine and beyond).

Working group members are currently assisting in the, development of new resources to support young people and local communities, they have consulted with young people and community about the fires and what is needed in the recovery response, co delivered local workshops and participated in a number of training opportunities with young facilitators in partnership with local communities.

Contact Us

For any queries, please get in touch with YACVic Rural Youth Projects Co-ordinator, Carla Hall chall@yacvic.org.au

For Agencies Supporting Young People

YACVic is working with the Victorian Government to hear directly from agencies supporting young people, including community recovery committees and community members in rural and regional areas about the response and recovery from the devastating bushfires across Eastern Victoria, and your experiences and ideas for a better future.


Alongside the Victorian Government,we have worked to hear directly from young people and community members about the response and recovery from the bushfires. Some of the sessions were conducted online, due to COVID-19 restriction. The sessions provided young people an opportunity to reflect on their experiences and ideas for a better future.

The emerging themes documents, capture young people experiences and proposed solutions which agencies in affected areas to assist in planning recovery based activities and engagement with young people moving forward.

Read the Emerging Themes Report from those consultations here

Upcoming Training

We are running Reshape Our Future, a 1-day youth forum and 2-day youth sector conference in Lakes Entrance and Wangaratta on 31 May - 2 June.

The Youth Forum is entirely youth-led and youth-designed. Connect with hundreds of diverse young people across Victoria, and be at the forefront of the movement of young people leading and advocating for change.

The Youth Sector Conference brings together workers who support young people, policy-makers and thought leaders from multiple sectors, including young people, to discuss and address key challenges, build connections, and showcase the cutting-edge of youth work practice.

  • Wangaratta - Wangaratta Arts Centre, 33-37 Ford Street, Wangaratta 3677
  • Lakes Entrance - Bellevue on the Lakes 201 Esplanade, Lakes Entrance  3909

Register here now

Working Group

The YACVic Youth Bushfire Recovery Working Group consists of 12 young people aged 12-25, currently living in rural and regional parts of eastern Victoria impacted by the 2020 fires (East Gippsland, Towong, Alpine and beyond).

Working group members are currently assisting in the, development of new resources to support young people and local communities, they have consulted with young people and community about the fires and what is needed in the recovery response, co delivered local workshops and participated in a number of training opportunities with young facilitators in partnership with local communities.

Contact Us

For any queries, please get in touch with YACVic Rural Youth Projects Co-ordinator, Carla Hall chall@yacvic.org.au

Resources and Information

Youth Focused Disaster Recovery Protocol

The Protocol establishes a framework for Federal, State and Local Government emergency and recovery services and committees, institutions, local youth services, youth workers and others who engage with young people in disaster affected areas. It provides guidance on key matters for consideration and inclusion of young people in post-disaster recovery and rebuilding, and to ensure positive outcomes for young people aged 12-25 who have been affected directly and/or indirectly by a disaster. 

Read the Youth Focused Disaster Recovery Protocol here

Rural Young Activators 2020/21

The 2020-21 Rural Young Activators are young people aged 15-25 from bushfire-affected communities leading projects and advocacy to support bushfire recovery and animal welfare with support from RSPCA Victoria.