Healthy Equal Youth (HEY) is a partnership between Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic) and the Victorian Government established to deliver place-based support, services and opportunities for LGBTQIA+ young people.

HEY grant applications are currently closed.

The first of its kind in Australia, HEY’s vision is that LGBTQIA+ young Victorians have their rights upheld, and are safe, empowered and celebrated.

HEY works by bringing together a network of partner organisations, known as the HEY Partners, who provide peer support, referrals, community visibility, celebration and education.

Through the HEY Grants, there is up to $10,000 of funding available each year for projects that support the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQIA+ young people. Over 13 years, the Partners have supported over 120 organisations and provided more than $1.3 million in funding.

HEY is backed by years of lived experience, expertise, and evidence-based practice. We support young people in their self-discovery and pride, connecting them with community, and helping them to improve their overall mental health and wellbeing.

HEY is proudly funded and supported by the Victorian Government.


For all questions and queries about HEY, contact the HEY Projects Officer at

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