This resource is for current VCE students. Last updated 8 November 2021.
VCE exams look a little different this year, as some A rule that limits what you can do.restrictions are still in place to help keep the community safe during COVID-19.
This guide will help you learn more about:
- what is being done to protect all students against COVID-19 during VCE exams
- what you can do to protect yourself against COVID-19 during exams
- what to do when you feel unwell
- what happens if you cannot go to your VCE exams
What is being done to protect students against COVID-19 during VCE exams?
All schools in Victoria are required to have Putting safety measures in place to protect people from getting COVID-19.COVID safe measures in place to protect students during VCE exams.
Your school needs to:
- Get you to sign in when you arrive.
- Set up exam rooms so that students can easily keep 1.5 metres away from each other.
- Make sure that exam rooms are cleaned regularly.
These safety measures are approved by the A part of the Victorian Government that looks after the health system and has led the state government's COVID-19 response.Department of Health to make sitting VCE exams as safe as possible.
What can I do to protect myself against COVID-19 during exams?
There are lots of things you can do to protect yourself against COVID-19 when you sit your VCE exams.
You should:
- Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth.
- Keep your face mask on at all times, including as you arrive, during your exam, and as you leave.
- Wash and sanitise your hands regularly.
- Keep at least 1.5 metres away from other people.
Wearing a mask is important because it helps to stop COVID-19 spreading between people, but you do not have to wear a mask if you have an When you do not need to follow a rule that other people do need to follow.exemption due to a disability or health condition.
Getting vaccinated protects you against COVID-19 and helps to reduce your risk of getting very sick. Our resource for disabled young people below has more information.
You can also check out YACVic's helpful COVID-19 vaccine resources below.
Students who are more likely to become very sick with COVID-19 may be able to sit their exams away from other students.
What should I do if I am not feeling well before my exam?
You must not go to your exam if you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 symptoms, including:
- Loss of smell or taste
- Fever, chills or sweats
- Cough, sore throat or runny nose
- Shortness of breath
Sometimes headaches, sore muscles, and vomiting may also be symptoms.
If you have symptoms, you should:
- Contact your school to let them know you have COVID-19 symptoms.
- Get tested for COVID-19 as soon as possible.
When you get tested for COVID-19, let them know that you are a VCE student. VCE students are given priority and will get their test results back in the fastest time possible.
Stay home while you wait for your COVID-19 test result. You must not go to your exam if you are waiting on a COVID-19 test result because you had COVID-19 symptoms.
Even if you only have mild symptoms, you must not go to your exam.
If you have any COVID-19 symptoms when you arrive or during your exam, your parent or carer will need to pick you up.
What happens if I have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19?
The A part of the Victorian Government that looks after the health system and has led the state government's COVID-19 response.Department of Health says that students who are People who have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 while they were infectious.Primary Close Contacts are still able to sit their exams in a dedicated room at school.
Your school will help make arrangements to ensure you are COVID safe.
What happens if I cannot go to my VCE exam?
If you are unable to go to your exams due to COVID-19, you will be able to apply for a A score that is calculated using your previous exam results and other information from your school.Derived Examination Score (DES).
Your previous exam results and other information from your school will be used to calculate your final DES score.
You will also be able to apply for a DES if your school is closed because of COVID-19 and you are unable to take your exams.
To apply for a DES, you will need to have:
- A supporting letter or report from the school.
- Evidence of COVID-19 testing, such as a medical certificate.

Image credit: Disabled and Here
More information
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has created some helpful COVID-19 resources for VCE students.
The above document is available in Plain English and other languages below.