My name is Safe, I’m 20 years old and I’m a disabled artist and youth worker, and I love to skate. I’m also a facilitator for YDAS’ Young Leaders Program!
Young Leaders is a leadership program that is most often described as being for disabled young people. But I want to talk about disability and language.
When most people hear the word “disabled” or “disability”, their definitions are usually going to be limited. You don’t have to identify as being disabled or as having a disability to be a perfect fit for Young Leaders.
You might be a young person that has a disability but are not yet comfortable identifying with the disabled community. You might have a diagnosed or undiagnosed chronic illness, neurodivergence, or a mental, physical, or psychosocial condition. Maybe you’re hard of hearing or autistic and you’re not sure if that’s a disability!
If any of this sounds familiar or feels like something you identify with, and you’re a young person that is passionate about leadership, then our Young Leaders Program might be perfect for you!