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Are you a creative young person with a disability or health condition? We want to hear from you!  

YDAS has an exciting opportunity for you to create content for our NDIS Right to be Heard project.

 You will get support and a platform to share your ideas, stories, and creativity alongside other disabled young people.  

We especially encourage people who are a part of the following groups to apply: 

  • Intellectual disability

  • Learning disability

  • Acquired Brain Injury

  • Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing 

  • Blind or vision impaired 

You will be paid $250 for the content you create.  

Illustration of group of disabled young people holding disability pride signs

What can my content be about? 

Your content will be published on a new online hub (and on YDAS social media) to support disabled young people to learn about their rights and get support to speak up and make complaints. The hub's purpose is to make sure disabled young people are treated fairly and can speak up and raise concerns they have with NDIS supports and services.

A lot of the hub’s resources will be relevant to all disabled young people, regardless of whether or not they are NDIS participants. Your content can be about NDIS, but it can also be more general.

Here are some content ideas:

  • Your own experience with speaking up and making complaints.
  • What helps you speak up?
  • What makes it hard to speak up?
  • Explaining your rights when it comes to NDIS supports and services.
  • What you’d like NDIS service providers to know about working with disabled young people.
  • How NDIS providers, parents, or carers can better support disabled young people.
  • Something else!   

Your main audience is disabled young people. You can also make content for NDIS service providers, parents, carers, and the wider community.

Only 10 young people will be selected to create content as part of this project. Make your content idea unique and original so that it stands out. 

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What format does my content have to be? 

Your content can be in any format that works for you. It could be a:  

  • Video  
  • Story, poem, or blog post (less than 1,000 words)  
  • Artwork, like a painting or photograph  
  • Comic, zine, or illustration  
  • Audio recording or music  
  • Photography  
  • Something else!  

We will support you to make your content. For example, if you write a story, we can help you edit your work. If you make a video, we can help you add captions.  

Your content will be published on our online hub and shared on our social media.  

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We will pay you $250 for the piece of content you create.  

Who can apply? 

You can submit a content idea if you identity as:  

  • Having a disability, health condition, or chronic illness  

  • Neurodivergent or autistic   

  • Deaf, deaf or hard of hearing   

  • Blind or vision impaired   

  • Having lived experience of mental health issues

You must also:  

  • Be 12 to 25 years old

  • Live in Australia

We want to make sure the content represents different parts of the disability community. We want to see content from:    

  • LGBTQIA+ young people  

  • First Nations young people  

  • Culturally diverse young people.  

  • Young people with intellectual disability  

How to apply

Please email Kiz Blanca-Jackson on if you would like to create a piece of content for this project.

In your email, please answer: 

  • What will your content be about?
  • What type of content do you want to create? For example, a video or illustration.

  • Are you a NDIS participant? (You do not have to be a NDIS participant to be involved in this project)

  • You can also share links to creative work you have done before (optional).

The Expression of Interest closes 9am on Friday 16 August 2024. 

We will let you know if your content idea has been selected by Friday 23 August 2024. 

Contact us 

If you have any questions or need support to share your content idea, contact Kiz (they/them) at

This project is supported by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.