Choices you make

Being able to make your own choices is important.

Everyone has a right to have a say in what happens in their own life.

In this 4 minute video disabled young people talk about the choices they make.

Choices can be big or small. Some examples of choices you make every day are:   

  • What to wear 

  • What TV shows to watch 

  • How you spend your free time  

Some examples of big choices you could make are: 

  • What you buy with your money 

  • Where you live 

  • What you study at university 

  • What job you want

Making a choice vs. someone making it for you

In this 4 minute video disabled young people talk about making a choice vs. someone making it for them.

Question 1 of 3

What choices do you make every day?

Example answer

I choose what I eat for breakfast every day.

Question 2 of 3

What choices would you like to make?

Example answer

I want to choose what sport I play after school.

Making your own choices

In this 3 minute video disabled young people talk about taking control and making their own choices.

Question 3 of 3

What helps you make your own choices?

Example answer

Talking to my friends and taking time to decide helps me make my own choices.

NDIS choices

If you have a NDIS plan you can choose:  

  • What support you want 

  • Who you get support from 

  • When you get support

If you are over 18 you can also decide how you look after your NDIS The money you get from the NDIS to pay for your disability supports.budget.

Your NDIS budget is the money you get for the disability supports and services in your NDIS plan.

If you want to learn about the different ways you can manage your NDIS plan and budget you can click on the link below. This link has more detailed and  Hard to understand.complex  information. 

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You have reached the end of Making your own choices. Once you have saved your answers, you can move onto topic 6.

Topic 6
20 mins - 33 mins

Speaking up and advocacy

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