Sick/Sovereign is a powerful collection of written and visual artwork by disabled First Nations people about their experiences of COVID-19.

The zine includes work by

  • Darcy H.
  • Mo
  • H.G. Mancini
  • E.R.
  • Patrick Mercer
  • Chantell Nicholls
  • Aiesha Saunders

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Listen to the zine

Meet the creator

Darcy is a Blak, trans, mad, neurodivergent crip living on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country. They are passionate about seeking community liberation beyond the confines of the colonial imagination.

Darcy works across mob, disability, queer, and trans spaces. They currently work primarily in advancing mob self-determination in the water sector. Outside of this, Darcy co-leads their workplace’s disability network, and sits on the LGBTQIA+ network steering committee. They also tutor undergrad mob in Criminology, Indigenous Cultures and Histories, and Sociology.

Darcy’s key focus across their roles is empowering community through the defiance and destruction of colonial boundaries.